After a good breakfast, which was on a par with most we've had except for the fact that the eggs were the best cooked so far, we made our final preparations and started to load the car. As we were doing so we were accosted by a dog walker who inquired about the car and our ride, he said his mum used to own a 'moggy' which brought back memories for him (it seems the car is as much of a conversation piece as our ride), he then proceeded to pull £10 from his wallet for us and wished us luck. This takes the stranger donation total to £55. Truly amazing!
I was in the saddle first today as Lee had opted to take the second and final legs after having had the two biggies yesterday. The weather was perfect - sunny but with a fresh breeze, I was feeling good about the day ahead and our journey into the Yorkshire Dales.

All I could do at this point was wait at the top - neither of us had any phone signal as this was a remote stretch of road so if he had a puncture I wouldn't know about it unless he came walking up the hill behind me sporting a flat.

The 4 arrived and didn't go unnoticed, but it was comfortable enough. One look at the GPS unit showed that I only had about 4 miles left before the next swapover, so I knew the category 3 climb was imminent. Having no experience of hills of this sort I was curious/nervous about what was to come, I didn't have to wait long to find out!
It was a steady incline for about 2 miles, which I was managing on the middle chain ring and in my saddle with any real discomfort, so I felt good about putting paid to this 'little hill' - until I rounded a bend and saw that there was a small 16% incline in front of me. I had no choice but to drop the the 'granny gear' and push to the top - except it wasn't the top, it kept going for another half mile. My heart rate hit 99% of my maximum, at 181bpm, I couldn't get the air into my lungs quickly enough and had no choice (not that it was a conscious decision) but to put a foot down and let my heart rate recover.

After the usual post-ride routine we headed out for a short walk before retiring to the bar at the Old Hall, where I couldn't resist trying a pint of Theakstons Best Bitter, Theakstons Lightfoot and a Timothy Taylor Landlord, all very well kept beers. Best Bitter was a darker ale so I preferred the other two, although I couldn't choose between them for a favourite. It was nice to get a good selection of ale, it's been surprisingly slim pickings until now, although last night's 'Flower Power' in Middleton was excellent and my favourite so far along with 'Fourth of July'.

This was soaked up with a huge burger and chips. The sign outside the pub says 'best food in the dale' , I viewed this statement with skepticism, as all pubs seem to advertise 'good food' as standard these days, but I have to say, the quality of the food was amazing, If the breakfast in the morning is of the same quality it could be a 'Balloch beater'.
Talking of Balloch, I must thank my wife for unbeknownst to me, contacting a load (about 18) of local papers in the hope of getting more publicity, she's already had one taker in the form of the 'Lennox Herald' in Dumbartonshire who are going to run our story.
Back to the room now for an early night, will see if we can stay awake long enough to watch any of the Olympic opening ceremony.
NEXT STOP: Holmfirth - 71 miles and the biggest day in terms of hills of the entire ride by far, there could be a bit of pushing tomorrow.
Congratulations for making those hills, all about being sensible (granny gear etc) and giving your body recovery time, get a few ZZZZZZZZZZ s. sleep tight. Xx
ReplyDeleteMe again, you are certainly seeing some lovely scenery judging by the photos on route. X