750 miles from Glencoe to Boscombe


At the age of 50 our dad was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy, an incurable degenerative heart disease that can affect people of all ages and one that took the lives of his brothers at the ages of 29 and 34. Sadly, it also claimed the life of our dad in December last year at the age of 64.

The condition can be managed in various ways to improve quality of life for sufferers - the CMA (www.cardiomyopathy.org) is a small charity that receives no government funding but works hard with its limited resources to provide support and information for sufferers and their families.

My brother and I are undertaking a 750-mile cycle ride in memory of our dad and to raise funds for the CMA by way of thanks for the support they provided for him after his diagnosis. We also plan to take Dad's beloved 1956 split screen Morris Minor along as official support vehicle, and we plan to scatter some of his ashes in each of his favourite haunts along the way.

To make a donation go to our fundraising page.

We also have a facebook page where we'll be posting throughout the course of the event, so help us spread the word and get 'liking' us.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Start date set

We've finally pinned the tail on the donkey. The start date for the ride will be the 23rd of July. We'll travel up to Glencoe on the 22nd and head south the next morning, we're planning on the trip which currently stands at 730 miles, taking us twelve days, arriving at the finish line in boscombe on the 3rd of August. I'm sure a sore head will be on the cards for the drive home the following morning. Next challenge is to book the accommodation for the entire route.